Project Lots-Angel 3

On February 17th, 2012 – Re-examined and simplified on January 21st, 2013

Alfred Kastler high school, Guebwiller, France.
Classes of 2nde Plastic Arts and Final years of high school

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Event – Happening
On the occasion of the “Open day”.
March 17th, 2012.
We open our doors,
But also our hearts.

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I – Project « Lots-Angel – 3 » : Short Version
Plan and components of the project (the partition in 1 page)
” The physical sentence – The body of the sentence “ (Cf. Image 1. in french)

II –Project « Lots-AngeL – 3 » : Long Version

II – 1. Basic idea
II – 2. Place of the Happening
II – 3. Choice of words and a simple geometric shape
II – 4. Choice of the duration of Happening
II – 5. Choice of musical accompaniment
II – 6. Choice of gestural support
II – 7. The Profile of participants
II – 8. Advantages of the project
II – 9. Components and stages of the project
II – 9. Step 1: 1st word: WELCOME
II – 9. Step 2: 2nd word: THE WORLD
II – 9. Step 3: 3rd word: COME
II – 9. Step 4: 4th form: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
II – 9. Step 5: 5th form: LOTS-ANGEL

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II – 1 – Basic idea

Writing with the « body » of the students words which will constitute a « plastic sentence ».
Although the idea is not new, it’s « déjà-vu », but there is, at a given moment, a release of a « innovation ». And it is in this process that the visual arts become inexhaustible …


II – 2. Place of the Happening

The square of the High school, in front of building A.
(Cf. Image 2.)


II – 3. Choice of words and a simple geometric shape

The words are the following :
1. WELCOME (07 lettres)
2. THE WORLD (08 lettres)
3. COME ! (04 lettres)
(Release of a simple geometrical form: a Rhombus multiplied by 10. )
4. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ (10 formes)
5. LOTS-ANGEL (10 lettres)
All in all, it is a question of producing five “micro-choreography” which illustrates the five words
(Cf. Image 3.)


II – 4. Choice of the duration of Happening

3 minutes 30 seconds, it is very short, but very intense.


II – 5. Choice of musical accompaniment

It is the German rock group Rammstein, with the beginning of the piece (which goes from oneself)
: « Engel » (Angel) (3 minutes, 30)
Cf. Engel from Rammstein


II – 6. Choice of gestural support

Primacy granted to the “games of the hands” (like language).


II – 7. The Profile of participants

Two types of participants:
1. Active participants: They will be in the first line under the spotlight. Which implies, radiant smile, enthusiasm, conquering his fear. Obligation to register the unique rehearsal to be held Wednesday, March 14 (D -3) …
2. Passive participants : They will be behind the active participants. It is desirable to also participate in the rehearsal


II – 8. Advantages of the project

1. Realization of a common project susceptible to gather all the high school students ( 900 pupils). expect a figure of at least 25 % of staff : 200 pupils. This implies, that at least, every letter would be established by at least 20 students ;
2. It is an additional project for Final years of high school for the oral of the High school diploma, ” The art work and the body “. Besides, Final years of high school have a dominating role in the project …
3. Emphasis of the contemporary art ;
4. Give the opportunity to high school students to becoma, for a moment, agent, actor, creator and spectator in the realization of a common work ;
5. An Advertising events in both the school and the visual arts.


II – 9. Components and stages of the project

” The physical sentence – The body of the sentence ”
Every stage is divided by two parts :
A – Free stage for the preparation of ” writing a word “.
B – Compulsory and managed stage. (Cf. Images 49.)


II – 9. Step 1: 1st word: WELCOME
Stage Timing Choregraphic part Sound part Gestual part Plastic part
A 00′ 00″ – 00′ 30″ Disordered crowd, dispersed. After a small moment, whistle beginning by the students (it acts of the “whistled sentence” of the piece Engel, which should be retained : duration 8 seconds. => 2 X 8 => 20 sec.)
The whistling is an important component of the device. It is an indirect protest …
B 00′ 30″ – 00′ 50″ From the general disorder, the students will take place to indicate the 1st word :
►The beginning of Rammstein’s Engel, who begins with the whistling. The high-school pupils greet right hand, the gestures are synchronized. Each high-school pupil participants (active or passive) will come to the high school, with a personal object which is expensive to him (the object that it will save of the flames…) An object which one can hold in hand…


II – 9. Step 2: 2nd word: THE WORLD
Stage Timing Choregraphic part Sound part Gestual part Plastic part
A 00′ 50″ – 01′ 10″ Crowd disperses – 2.
B 01′ 10″ – 01′ 30″ From the general disorder, the students will take place to indicate the second word :
►Continuation of Rammstein’s Engel. The students present with the left hand the object.


II – 9. Step 3 : 3rd word: COME
Stage Timing Choregraphic part Sound part Gestual part Plastic part
A 01′ 30″ – 01′ 50″ Crowd disperses – 3.
B 01′ 50″ – 02′ 10″ From the general disorder, the students will take place to indicate the third word :
►Continuation of Rammstein’s Engel. We make the sign “come”. Movement forwards.


II – 9. Step 4: 4th form: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
Stage Timing Choregraphic part Sound part Gestual part Plastic part
A 02′ 10″ – 02′ 30″ Crowd disperses – 4.
B 02′ 30″ – 02′ 50″ From the general disorder, the students will take place to indicate the fourth word : A geometrical form
◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊
►Continuation of Rammstein’s Engel.


II – 9. Step 5 : 5th form: LOTS-ANGEL
Stage Timing Choregraphic part Sound part Gestual part Plastic part
A 02′ 50″ – 03′ 10″ Crowd disperses – 5.
B 03′ 10″ – 03′ 30″ From the general disorder, the students will take place to indicate the fifth word :
►Continuation of Rammstein’s Engel.


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